Absolute Zero
Usable Buildings Trust, May 2016 .
Places Journal, January 2024.
Centre for Energy Research Into Energy Demand Solutions, UCL Energy Institute, October 2021. This version is a pdf vesrion of the original Powerpoint presentation. .
Sustainability supplement to Building magazine, 28 September 2007, Digging beneath the greenwash, pps 8-11. .
CIBSE Journal, Feb 2019, 21-22. Interview with Quinten Babcock and Blll Bordass .
The Usable Buildings Trust 2006 .
The Association for the Conservation of Energy and the Oxfordshire Energy Advice Centre, October 2001 .
A slightly revised version of this paper was published as Chapter 3 of
S Macmillan (ed), Designing Better Buildings, London: Spon (2003), pages 21-32). .
Discussion Paper, The Usable Buildings Trust, London, 2005, 14 pp .
Building Reseach and Information, 28, 5/6, pps 338-352, 2000 .
Green Buildings Conference, Nottingham, March 1992, later republished in revised version in Building Services: the CIBSE Journal, September, 1992 .
Chapter 2 of PENOYRE G. & PRASAD S., Refit for Purpose: low energy renewal of non-domestic buildings, RIBA Publishing, 2014 pps 13-22 .
Buildings and Cities, 1(1), 260–276, July 2020. Open access with downloadable
PDF and
XML versions also available. .
A shorter version is chapter 15 of Wolfgang F.E. Preiser, Aaron T. Davis, Ashraf M. Salama, and Andrea Hardy (Editors), Architecture Beyond Criticism, Routledge, 2015, pps160-170. .
BIFM Annual Conference, Queens College, Cambridge, UK, 22 September 1998 OHP foils .
BIFM Annual Conference, 1997, September .
conference paper prepared for Closing The Loop: Post-Occupancy Evaluation: the Next Steps, Windsor UK, 29 April - 2 May, 2004 .
First presented to Buildings in Use '97, Commonwealth Institute, London, February 25, 1997 .
Building Research & Information, 25(3), 148-157 .
Outline of talk to DMA/BMIB Construction Group Business Seminar, 5 February 1992 .
Building Performance Congress, Frankfurt, April 19-24, 2004 .
CIBSE Lighting Conference, Cambridge, March 1994 .
Building Research and Information, 2005, vol 33 no 4, 361-375 .
Cibse National Conference 1999 .
BSJ, 37-41 (April 1997) .
UK Feasibility Review Report, May 2016 .
Building Research and Information journal (BR&I) carried rejoinder papers to the Probe Special Issue (March/April 2001). For copyright reasons we cannot include the rejoinder papers themselves (by Baird, Fisk, Whyte and Gann, Markus, Preiser, Roberts, Szigeti and Davis and Cordy). To see these you will have to refer to the BR&I Dec 2001 and Jan-Feb 2002 issues. We can, though, include our response to them. .
Building Research and Information, Spring 2001 .
BORDASS W., Review of 'The Architecture of Natural Cooling' by B. Ford, R. Schiano-Phan and J. Vallejo, Second Edition, Routledge 2020,
Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme, General Information Report GIA 15, March 1994 .
Outline of presentation to 1AM Conference,,18-20 April 1989 .
PowerEx Live, Park Plaza Hotel, London, 6 October 2021 .
Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings (ASCHB) Conference, 1 April 2022,
Lessons from built heritage in the climate emergency. .
Climate at the Extremes Conference, Edinburgh, 6 September 2002 .
Usable Buildings, presentation to Oxford Brookes University, 24 Oct 2024. Also covers ground in presentations in 2020, 2022 and 2023. .
Usable Buildings for PowerEx Live Conference, London, 8 December, 2022.
Pdf .
Scottish Ecological Design Association (SEDA) Annual Conference 2023, Progressing Retrofit – designing for human factors: comfort, health & affordability, Glasgow 15-16 September 2023 .
Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings (ASCHB) Conference, St Peter’s, Vauxhall, London April 1, 2022, Lessons from built heritage in the climate emergency.
Doncaster Minster, 19 February 2025 .
Scottish Ecological Design Association (SEDA) Conference, Progressing Retrofit – designing for human factors: comfort, health & affordability, Glasgow 15-16 September 2023
Video .
Presentation to Allies + Morrison, London, 14 November, 2023. .
William Bordass Associates, 2000. Presentation to Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB) July 2000. Please note: this archived presentation was originally given using overhead projector foils. This version does not include the slides and diagrams which were included in the original. .
CIBSE Journal, June 1997, 40-42 .
British Council For School Environments (BCSE), 2006 .
BSJ 35-38 (March 1999) .
Version 7.1, Oct 2021. .
Usable Buildings, April 2022, 30pp, High resolution copy 20.3 Mb. Creative Commons open access .
Sustainability 13(14), July 2021. Creative Commons open source article. .
BEPAC Conference, Canterbury, UK, 1991 .
Commentary Jan 14 2020 .
Building Services Journal, September 2003, pps 6-8 .
BRE Watford, UK, 1998, October 6-8 .
REHVA Journal, May 2016, pp 56-59 .
Scottish Ecological Design Association (SEDA) 2023 Conference .
Online journal which 'questions the blind belief in technological progress' .
No Tech Magazine has shorter posts, links and updates from Low-Tech Magazine. "We refuse to assume that every problem has a high-tech solution." .
Keynote conference paper prepared for Closing The Loop: Post-Occupancy Evaluation: the Next Steps, Windsor UK, 29 April - 2 May, 2004. Sir Andrew Derbyshire, 1923-2016, was a passionate supporter of the Usable Buildings Trust. This paper has the essence .
Buildings in the Age of Paradox, IoAAS, National Power, 1995 pps 15-20 .
CIBSE Technical Symposium, UK April 2022 .
Energy Policy, pp 280-288, Oct 2015. Creative Commons open source article .
Usable Buildings, March 2008 . Shorter version in Architects' Journal, March 13, 2008 .
STBA, Responsible Retrofit Series November, 2021
Gaia Group Ltd for Zero Waste Scotland, October, 2020 .
Ecolibrium, May 2014, pps 72-80 .
Journal of Architectural Research, 5/1, March, 1976 .
Sustainability 2020, 12, Creative Commons open source article. .
Sustainability 13, 2021. Open source article.
As published .
Building Services Journal, November, 2000 .
Notes for BRE seminar, 17 May, 1993. Originally prepared as background for the evaluation of the Lansdown Window System (1992) .
Building Pathology 91, 18-20 September 1991, Trinity College Oxford .
Building Services Journal, November, 2000. .
Building Use Studies, London,1994. .
in WORTHINGTON J, (ed), Reinventing the Workplace, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997, pp. 10-22 Second edition 2005 .
Chapter for MacMillan, S (ed), Quality and Value in the Built Environment, Taylor and Francis, 2004. .
Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies and National Power, Proceedings of conference 16-17 November 1995 .
Building Use Studies, 1994 .
in LEAMAN, A. (ed), Buildings in the Age of Paradox, IoAAS, University of York, 1996, pp. 3-14 .
Building Use Studies, 1995, April 25 .
In Chapter 19: Creating the Productive Workplace. Clemence-Croome D. (ed). Routledge, third edition, 2017. .
Fifth Indoor Air Quality Conference, Thursday 10 July 1997, British Library, London. .
chapter 13 of MACMILLAN S. (ed)., Designing Better Buildings, Taylor & Francis 2003. .
chapter 10 of Cole R. and Lorch R. (eds), Buildings, Culture and Environment Information: informing local and global practices, Blackwell Publishing, 2002 .
London: Usable Buildings, 1998, 18pp. Unfinished draft. .
Final Report to DETR .
Building Services Journal, 20 January 1993 .
Interactive slide, IMDB, Cambridge (Dec 2022), Allies and Morrison (Nov 2023) .
Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings (ASCHB) Conference, 1 April 2022,
Lessons from built heritage in the climate emergency. .
© 2023 Author. This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-International License ( Published by the Faculty of Architecture and Design, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia .
Buildings and Cities journal, Special Issue, September 24, 2020. Link goes to Buildings and Cities website. Creative commons open access. .
STBA (Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance), 2017 .
British Standards Institute (BSI), London , 2018 .
Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance (SBTA), 2012. .
Association for the Conservation of Energy, October 2001 .
Sustaining Buildings conference, STBA & SPAB, Wednesday 12th October, 2022 .
Atmosphere 2020, 11, 62 Creative Commons open source article.
Atmosphere .
Buildings and Cities journal, 1 November 2023. .
Building Research and Information, 2008, 36(3), 269 279. This innovative paper proposes a sketch-plan for applied research based on the headings "Desired Performance", "Regulated Performance" and "Delivered Performance". [This link takes you to the Taylor & Frances website] .
Building Research & Information, Volume 37, Issue 1 January 2009 , pages 1 - 3. .
Buildings and Cities, 1(1), 610–624. Open access 21 Sep 2020
British Journal of Sociology, Volume 68, Issue 4 .
Journal of Futures Studies 1, 1, 1996, 5-27. For similar interpretative framework see
The Logistical City .
in Fifty years later: Revisiting the role of architectural science in design and practice: 50th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2016, pp. 607-616 .
D&A, Autumn 2011, Issue 16, pps 109-115. .
Editorial for special issue of Building Research and Information, 2010, 38(5), pps 437-441. .
Ecolibrium, Dec 2009, 26-35 .
The Centre on Zero Emission Building - ZEB, Preprint, 2020 .
Buildings in the Age of Paradox, IoAAS, National Power, 1995, pps 21-30 .
SB07, paper 4671, 9pp. Landcare Research , Private Bag 92 170, Auckland, NZ. .
Usable Buildings Trust, 2009 .
Environmental Politics, 3 February 2021.
Online .
Usable Buildings Trust, 2014 edition, authorised version by original authors. .
PhD thesis The Open University. 2022.
38MB pdf .
Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance (STBA) / The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) 2020 Online Conference, 6th October 2020 .
Rachel Bevan Archiects
BC Housing Research Centre, University of Victoria, 2020.
BC Housing